Sunday, August 10, 2008


it's kind of boring to make post when i have nothing to talk about.School is starting for me in a week and i've mostly been focused on that. i'm dreading it more than anything because it just means waking up early in the morning and doing work that i really dont want to do. I guess after like your freshman year of highschool the excitment of going back to school wears off.
I have a New back to school wish list with just a few items:

1. tall silver gladiators
2. white handbag
3. floral skirts
4. floral sundresses
5. more scarves
6. white pants
7. undershirts to layer
8. metallic leggings
9. leather leggings
10. waist belts
11. one pieces

i didnt re-check my last list so i probably repeated some stuff...more later i think.

Anyways, what's your opinion on your boyfriends style? what's his opinion on yours? my boyfriend pretty much plays it safe when it comes to dressing so i decided to play on polyvore with him last night and see what he came up with. We picked an item and both made an outfit around it, can you guess which ones he made???





Kay ♥ said...

Wow all those outfits are real cute! I need some more scarves as well.... I go back to college the 25th and eh! lol.

Hmm my boyfriends style?He wears underground clothing.... labels that a lot of ppl wont recognize but if you Shop in Soho in nyc then you would know lol. I think our style kind of goes together. But he matches way too much! something i dont do as often... cute blog miss!

Kay ♥ said...

Sure i`ll add u to my list! i like what u have in here

Anonymous said...

I have a back to school list too....its almost thirty items long last I checked. Lol...but I have since crossed some shit off I think. Polyvore is like crack.

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

I love a good mickey mouse tshirt!


cute outfits! would you like to exchange links? =)